Livelihood Programs

We are dedicated in ensuring that the lives of HIV/AIDs victims, vulnerable children and orphans in our community are sustainable and dependent. One of the tools we are using in achieving this goal is by designing and implementing sustainable livelihood programs.

What Is a Sustainable Livelihood program

A sustainable livelihood program or SLP is a multifaceted poverty alleviation strategy that aims at improving the economic, social and environmental well-being of individuals and communities by improving their ability to generate income, improving access to essential services and promoting sustainable development.

Example of Our sustainable Livelihood program

With the support of our donors and supporters we have design and implemented various programs that have greatly positively impacted to the lives of the HIV/AIDs families, as the program are designed to create jobs, dignity, hope and smile to the women and girls in our community. These programs include POULTRY FARMING, COMMUNITY GARDENS, SISAL, GOAT. All these programs are designed to empower women and families by providing them with a sustainable source of income and improving their access to nutritious food.

Poultry farming:

Our poultry farming project is designed to provide a sustainable source of protein to our kiddos both at the orphanage and school and the community . The project has created a job to one widow and provide eggs to many people. we currently have 100 laying chicks with the hopes that the money realized through the sale of eggs will be able to keep the project afloat while also helping as with funds to support our other programs. The project not only provides a source of protein but also helps to build self-sufficiency and a sense of pride and accomplishment.


Community Garden

This project was designed to be a source of job to HIV/Aids women to be working three days a week while providing much needed nutritious food to kids under our programs and the community at large. The project directly gives employment to 13 individuals, and we are thrilled to have birthed this project from 5 beds to 53 beds to hectares of rice farm. Through the support of our partner organization (AFCAids) that have worked hand in hand with us through funding and training on reporting we have boost ourselves to have successfully implemented this project that keeps providing hope and smile to many orphaned kids.

Sisal Project

This is a project that creates employment to women who have been affected/infected by HIV/AIDs, they work in this project to process fibre from a sisal plant through a decorticator machine and other machines to produce twin rope and the women also make tethering rope by their hands.Sisal plant,is a greenish plant in color characterized by its leaves which grow to a length of over one meter and yield a long, creamy- white and very strong fiber to make ropes, baskets, twin, mates which are sold at the market stores to generate income. The project has employed 34 women who work in various stages in the production of the ropes. The income raised from the sales of the sisal products are used to cover the operational costs.

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